


The 7 best AI transcription apps for podcasts in 2024 (Review)

The 7 best AI transcription apps for podcasts in 2024 (Review)

The 7 best AI transcription apps for podcasts in 2024 (Review)

Transcriptions are a key part to make your podcast more discoverable trough Search Engine Optimization (SEO). We reviewed the 7 best tools currently on the market. Some of these tools do a lot more than just transcribing!

image of an excited podcaster
image of an excited podcaster
image of an excited podcaster

Many new AI tools are specifically made for podcasts and will provide you with accurate transcripts of your audio and video content. Next to that, these tools often allow you to automatically create show-notes, titles, social media assets as well as SEO content to help you grow your podcast and save time.

For this article, we reviewed various of such tools to provide you with an overview of the different features and the advantages and disadvantages to help you make a decision based on your needs. We ranked those tools on the following functionality:

  1. Transcription Speed

  2. Transcription Accuracy

  3. Translation of Transcript

  4. Speaker diarization

  5. Ease of use

  6. AI Content

  7. Cost

We will provide more detail for each solution below. If you just want to get a quick overview, here is a table with the results:

1. Buzzsprout

Buzzsprout is probably best known as a podcasting hosting platform. Next to the hosting, it also offers features such as podcast statistics and a podcast website. For a while now, Buzzsprout also offers a 'Co-host AI' plan. This plan is required to get the transcripts of the podcast.

While the transcriptions are done quickly, the overall quality of the transcript is on the lower end of the reviewed tools. This quality can be both noticed in the accuracy of the transcript as well as the accuracy of classifying the speakers. Buzzsprout also does not offer translation of the transcripts as part of their solution. The tool itself is relatively simple, which makes it easy to use. At the same time, this also greatly limits the flexibility. There are a fixed number of assets that you are allowed to create in the AI co-host, and there are no options to adjust your own tone of voice or style in the system.

The pricing itself is overall competitive, but it requires you to already be a customer with Buzzsprout. To sum this up:


  1. Transcription Speed (7/10)

  2. Cost (8/10) Only if you are already using their platform!

  3. Ease of use (7/10)


  1. Quality of transcription (4/10)

  2. Speaker recognition (5/10)

  3. AI content (3/10)

In conclusion, Buzzsprout seems to have built this tool as a secondary tool to their existing solution. The quality of the transcript and the generated content is limited, but the product is easy to use. If you are already a customer for their hosting service, it can make a lot of sense to also use their AI co-host. If you are not a customer already, there seem to be better options both in quality and price.

2. Castmagic (Best AI Content)

Castmagic has been on the forefront of creating an AI solution for podcasters. While not solely focused on podcasters, they have done a very good job of integrating the different podcasting workflows into one AI transcription service. They provide an extensive platform that provides accurate transcriptions and gives the user a lot of flexibility around how to create custom content for their podcast.

Here an overview of their advantages and disadvantages and a recommendation of who the tool is best suited for:


  1. Transcription speed (7/10)

  2. Transcription quality (9/10)

  3. Speaker diarization (8/10)

  4. AI content (7/10)


  1. Cost (3/10)

  2. User friendliness (6/10)

3. Podsqueeze

Podsqueeze is another amazing Indie project by two Portuguese entrepreneurs. They solely focus on podcasters and create decent podcast transcripts and AI content. Here a brief review of their advantages and disadvantages. We will again add a short conclusion on who this tool is best suited for.


  1. Transcription quality (7/10)

  2. Speaker diarization (6/10)

  3. AI content (7/10)

  4. Cost (6/10)


  1. Transcription speed (4/10)

  2. Transcription quality (5/10)

  3. User friendliness (3/10)

Overall, Podsqueeze is a great tool, especially if you want to support small founders. A big positive is that they have a clear focus on podcasters and they continue to release new features. They also offer a free plan with 50 minutes each month, which makes this tool a good place for beginners and people just starting out with their podcast. If you are already a bit further in your journey and want to find a tool that is reliable and flexible, this is not the first choice.

4. Descript (Best Video Editing)

Descript is probably the best known company on this list. With millions in funding, they have built a tool that is very well suited for video editing and sound editing.

The video and audio editing parts are one of the best we have tested, especially for a very competitive price point. However, with the lower price point, also comes lower quality of transcripts and AI generated content. Here's a summary of the review:


  1. Transcription speed (8/10)

  2. User friendliness (7/10)

  3. Cost (8/10)


  1. Transcription quality (4/10)

  2. Speaker diarization (4/10)

  3. AI content (5/10)

Overall, Descript is a great and budget-friendly option. If you also need to create a lot of videos and cut your audio files, this is an awesome solution. If you are looking for high accuracy transcripts and speaker recognition, there are better AI transcription services on the market. The AI-generated content such as show-notes, blog posts, and social media assets are also not of the highest quality—especially due to limited personalization.

5. Podium

Podium differs from other transcription software by providing a downloadable set of text files instead of a user interface for transcript navigation and editing. This means you'll need to manually adjust speaker names in the text file.

One of the main disadvantages of the platform seems to be a very slow processing speed, and a 15-minute audio took almost the same time to process. Here an overview of what we learned from testing the platform:


  1. User friendliness (9/10)

  2. Cost (6/10)

  3. Transcription quality (6/10)

  4. AI content (5/10)


  1. Transcription speed (1/10)

  2. Speaker diarization (5/10)

In conclusion, Podium offers a very clean and minimalist user interface that is easy to understand. Having API access to the tool can also be a great addition to further automate your processes. Overall, the biggest drawbacks are a very slow speed and no way to add your own tone of voice or writing style to the AI-generated assets.

6. WhisperTranscribe (Best Value)

WhisperTranscribe is focused on serving podcasters, and in the desktop app, you can get accurate transcripts in 99+ languages. The app has a highly accurate podcast transcript generator with AI content that you can adjust to your own tone of voice.

The drawbacks are that you can't access your files via API, which limits integration with other transcription software. All files are also stored locally, which makes working on different devices more complicated.


  1. Transcription quality (9/10)

  2. Speaker diarization (8/10)

  3. User friendliness (7/10)

  4. AI content (8/10)


  1. Transcription speed (4/10)

  2. Cost (6/10)

In conclusion, WhisperTranscribe uses the most accurate models to generate podcast transcripts. These models can sometimes take a little bit longer to generate the transcript (3-4 minutes). At the same time, the app lets you add your own brand voice to generate content that sounds more like you.

7. SwellAI (Best API)

SwellAI is an honorable mention on this list as it has some unique advantages over the other tools. While being less accurate in transcriptions and generated AI content, SwellAI offers probably the best API access to their app. Here's a review of their features:


  1. Great API access (9/10)

  2. AI content (6/10)

  3. Transcription quality (6/10)


  1. Transcription speed (4/10)

  2. Speaker diarization (4/10)

  3. User friendliness (4/10)

  4. Cost (5/10)

This is the honorable mention of the list for all users that have a big need to build their own automation. While overall as a normal user this is neither the most user-friendly nor highest-quality app, the API access and flexibility makes it worth considering!

AI Transcription: Time-Saver or Time-Waster for Podcasters?

AI transcription tools have revolutionized the podcast industry, offering lightning-fast results at a fraction of the cost of human transcription. The quality of the transcripts heavily depends on the provider and usually ranges between 75-95% accuracy for AI-powered transcription.

This makes it important that there is a good user interface that lets you quickly catch the errors that might still be part of the transcript such as misspelled names or brands. With transcriptions becoming more and more a commodity that is offered even by podcast hosting platforms such as Apple Podcast or Spotify, the additional assets that these tools let you create become more and more important.

Creating show-notes, social media posts, chapters, or finding the best quotes can save you a lot of time and help you grow your podcast audience faster.

When choosing between the tools reviewed in this article, it is important to decide what is the most important for you to get out of the tool. Summarizing the review, we suggest the following depending on your needs:


Here are the final recommendations based on what your needs are.

Best premium product (Castmagic):

  • A lot of features and customizable AI content

  • More complex to understand and use product

  • Relatively expensive

Best value product (WhisperTranscribe):

  • Most accurate transcription service

  • Add your own brand voice to the AI

  • Create new content based on your needs

Best for video (Descript):

  • Best video and audio editor

  • Good price

  • Okay but not great AI features and transcriptions

Keep in mind that with all of these tools you will still have to add your own final touch. The leading automated transcription services stand out because they will provide you with much more accurate transcriptions and give you more ways to add your own brand voice.

They can save you a lot of time when creating a first draft, but they are not on a level where they can replace you.


Written by:

Founder of WhisperTranscribe


Written by:

Founder of WhisperTranscribe


Written by:

Founder of WhisperTranscribe

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