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How to Start a Podcast in 2024: A Beginner's Guide

How to Start a Podcast in 2024: A Beginner's Guide

How to Start a Podcast in 2024: A Beginner's Guide

Dreaming of starting your own podcast but feeling overwhelmed? You’re not alone. From naming your show to choosing equipment and editing, it can be tricky—but it's easier than you think. Ready to bring your ideas to life? Keep reading to learn how to start your podcast!

An image of a podcasting setup
An image of a podcasting setup
An image of a podcasting setup


Podcasting has emerged as one of the most accessible forms of content creation. With just basic equipment and an idea, almost anyone can start a podcast. However, embarking on this journey requires more than just hitting record. Establishing the right foundation is crucial. From the early stages of selecting a name to consistently creating and promoting episodes, every step matters. This guide will walk you through the essential tips you need to get started on the right track. Whether you're creating content for fun or to grow your personal brand, these actionable strategies will ensure your podcast launches successfully.

Tip 1: Naming Your Podcast and Creating Artwork

Choosing a Name

Picking a podcast name might seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be overcomplicated. Start by thinking of a name that is easy to remember, reflects your content, and resonates with your target audience. Avoid excessively long or overly clever names that might confuse or alienate listeners. Remember, the key is clarity. Try brainstorming a list of words that reflect your podcast theme, mix and match ideas, and get feedback from others. Most importantly, don’t let perfectionism slow you down—your name can evolve later, but starting is the most critical step. While it's more important to get started instead of spending too much time picking the perfect name, here some things you can do:

  1. Brainstorm Keywords and Define Your Focus

Action steps:

  • Grab a pen and paper or open a digital document.

  • Write down your podcast's main topic or theme in one sentence.

  • List 20-30 words or phrases related to your podcast's content.

  • Include industry terms, emotions, and outcomes associated with your show.

Pro tip: Use a thesaurus to expand your list with synonyms and related terms. This will broaden your options and potentially spark creative ideas.

  1. Make It Unique and Memorable

Action steps:

  • Create a shortlist of 5-10 potential names using your brainstormed keywords.

  • For each name, do a quick Google search and check major podcast directories.

  • Eliminate any names that are already in use or too similar to existing podcasts.

  • Say each remaining name out loud and imagine introducing your show with it.

Pro tip: Consider using wordplay, alliteration, or clever phrases, but ensure they don't obscure your podcast's subject. For example, "Stitch & Bitch" for a crafting podcast or "Byte-Sized Tech" for a short-form technology show.

  1. Test for SEO and Longevity

Action steps:

  • Use Google's Keyword Planner or a similar tool to check the search volume for your shortlisted names.

  • Choose a name that includes relevant keywords but still sounds natural.

  • Ensure the name allows for future growth and doesn't limit your content too narrowly.

  • Check domain availability for your top choices (e.g., "yourpodcastname.com").

Pro tip: Consider creating a simple landing page or social media accounts with your chosen name. Share it with friends or potential listeners to gauge their reaction and gather feedback.

Creating Podcast Artwork

Podcast artwork plays a significant role in attracting potential listeners. Eye-catching visuals are important to making a strong first impression. You have two main options: DIY design using Canva or hiring a designer on platforms like Fiverr. Canva offers accessible templates and easy-to-use tools for creating beautiful artwork even for beginners. On the other hand, hiring a professional designer via Fiverr might be a good investment if you want something unique or don't feel confident about your design skills. Remember to adhere to platform-specific guidelines like the optimal size of 3000x3000 pixels for podcast logos.

Tip 2: Recording Your First Episodes

Starting with Multiple Episodes

When launching your podcast, it’s beneficial to have multiple episodes ready to go. Some podcasters choose to release all the episodes at once, while others prefer a weekly release schedule. Launching with a bank of episodes can help build momentum and allow your audience to binge-listen early on. You might also consider an introductory episode where you discuss what listeners can expect from the show. Then, follow up with more in-depth content to establish variety and value. Keep in mind that consistency is valued highly by podcast listeners, so decide on your episode release cadence and stick to it.

Choosing the Right Equipment

While it’s possible to start a podcast using just your smartphone's mic, investing in quality audio equipment will improve the listening experience. A dynamic microphone like the Samson Q2U or Samson Q9U provides excellent sound quality for beginners. For podcasters interested in conducting interviews, wireless mics such as the Rode Wireless Me or Rode Wireless Pro are great options. These compact, high-quality mics offer flexibility and convenience for recording in diverse settings. Whether you use a smartphone or a professional mic, the most crucial factor is making your audio clear and easy to listen to.

Tip 3: Editing Your Podcast

Understanding the Editing Process

Editing is where your podcast transforms from raw audio into a polished product ready for public consumption. When editing, it's crucial to remove any unnecessary sections, dead air, or mistakes that could distract the listener. This is different from video editing, where both visuals and sound dictate pacing. In audio editing, the focus is on clarity, pacing, and engagement. It's essential to carefully review your episode for filler words like "uh" and "um," which can reduce the perception of professionalism. A streamlined audio experience will lead to more listener retention.

Tip 4: Publishing and Promoting Your Podcast

Giving Your Episodes a Catchy Title

A compelling title can be the difference between someone tuning in or scrolling past. Create episode titles that are direct, descriptive, and designed to grab attention. An interesting title gives listeners a clear idea of what they’ll get from each episode but should also spark curiosity. Try using questions, numbers, or even a promise of tips or takeaways that your audience will find valuable. The more engaging your title, the higher the chances you’ll attract new listeners to your podcast.

You can read our post on how to create the perfect titles for your episodes (The Ultimate Guide to Crafting Attention-Grabbing Podcast Episode Titles 🎙️). You can also use our podcast episode title generator for free in our application!

Distribution and Promotion Strategies

Once your episodes are ready, it's time to share them with the world! Start by uploading your podcast to distribution platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or YouTube. YouTube even allows you to upload full video versions of your episodes, which can broaden your audience. Promoting your podcast is equally important. Create preview clips, share significant highlights on social media. To grow your podcast, it can make a lot of sense to use AI tools to help you create LinkedIn posts, Instagram posts or to repurpose your video into audiograms and video clips to share.

To get started, you can use tools like ChatGPT to create written pieces of content (blog posts, social media posts, show-notes, etc.) and a video editing tool such as DaVinci Resolve to cut your podcast clip into shorts and add your own branding. If you prefer a done for you solution, you can also test out WhisperTranscribe for free (no strings attached, no credit card needed) to create all of all posts and clips you need in one place.

Tip 5: Consistency is Key

While the excitement of launching your podcast can drive you initially, long-term success depends on consistency. Keeping your audience engaged requires a steady stream of content that aligns with your original promise. Stick to a release schedule and continually push yourself to improve and stay committed. Remember, podcasting is a marathon, not a sprint. As David Shands said, "Consistency breeds success." Growth may be slow initially, but over time, steady progress will lead to building a loyal audience base that trusts and values your work.


With the right foundation, equipment, and consistency, launching a podcast can be both exciting and rewarding. From selecting the perfect name to mastering the editing process, every step is an opportunity to grow your skills and connect with your audience. The tools and strategies outlined above are just the beginning—don’t be afraid to experiment and improve with each episode. Now is the time to share your voice and embark on your podcasting journey. Lastly, remember that there are countless resources available to help you along the way, so keep learning and keep creating!


Written by:

Founder of WhisperTranscribe


Written by:

Founder of WhisperTranscribe


Written by:

Founder of WhisperTranscribe

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