Oct 17, 2024

Oct 17, 2024

Oct 17, 2024

9 Must-Know Best Practices for Writing Killer Podcast Show Notes 💥

9 Must-Know Best Practices for Writing Killer Podcast Show Notes 💥

9 Must-Know Best Practices for Writing Killer Podcast Show Notes 💥

Ready to take your podcast show notes from "meh" to magnificent? There’s one rule: notes that go beyond the ordinary are the ones that wow your audience and power up your SEO. Below, I’m diving into nine tried-and-true best practices that will take any show notes to the next level.


1. Start Every Episode With a Catchy Hook 🎣

First impressions matter—like, a lot. Whether it's an episode introduction or your show notes, you need to hook your audience right away. We've all heard the phrase, "Don't bury the lede", and that certainly applies here.

Think of the hook as the moment you reel in your listener immediately—whether that's with an intriguing fact, a bold statement, or a teaser for the juiciest content in the episode. For show notes, this hook sets the tone and makes sure your audience sticks around long enough to explore everything else — think of it as your "curiosity spark."

Let’s say, for instance, you’re covering an episode about scaling a side hustle into a 6-figure business. Here’s a sample:

"Ever wonder how six months could change your entire professional life? This week’s guest, Jane Doe, transformed her hobby into $100K in revenue—and she’s here to spill her most surprising strategies."

The trick is making sure anyone reading that first sentence has to keep reading or listening—they won’t be able to resist!

2. Extend Your Podcast Description Thoughtfully 💡

Once that hook’s reeled them in, it’s time to deepen the intrigue. But here’s the catch—you don’t want to overwhelm your reader. Most people will only skim through about 20% of a blog/podcast show note, according to Nielsen Norman Group research. That means your goal is to extend your podcast description, but don’t drown the audience in text.

Instead of cramming it with heavy blocks of information, extend the description with one or two short paragraphs that briefly summarize the key takeaways from the episode. Highlight the most excitinguseful and actionable pieces, keeping headings and easy-to-scan bullet points in mind.

A great structure might look something like this:

  • Start with a summary of the episode’s main topic

  • Call out key insights from the guest or hosts.

  • Tease any discoveries or strategies that listeners can apply.

Your goal is to leave them hungry for more while giving them just enough to see the value!

3. Highlight Guest, Cast, and Crew Information 🌟

Your podcast guests, cast, or crew (if you have them) are an asset! Don't be shy about highlighting your VIPs. Audiences love feeling connected to the people behind the mic, and show notes are a golden opportunity to provide that connection.

For instance, you’ll want to:

  • Include a short bio of your guest to contextualize why they’re on the show. Keep it concise, but hit the most impressive marks in their careers. Think: why should people care about them?

    Example"Jane Doe is a serial entrepreneur, startup founder, and a Forbes 30 under 30 honoree. With her keen investment insights and business acumen, she’s helped over 100 small businesses scale to six figures… blah blah insert awesome accomplishments here."

  • Crosslink their social media handles, website, or any books/projects they’re involved in. It’s a win-win if your audience can easily follow and engage with them—and guests are more likely to share the episode, increasing your visibility.

Extending that generosity toward your crew? Be proud! Introduce listeners to your loyal editor or co-host. It creates a more personable and transparent environment, which listeners often appreciate.

4. Direct Your Audience to Relevant Resources & Links 🔗

Think of your podcast show notes as the hub for resources. Whatever you mention on-air? Follow it up with links to external sites, tools, or books directly within your show notes. Direct your audience to the exact points of interest covered in your podcast—don’t make them search for it on their own.

Audiences love tangible takeaways, and like it or not, people crave instant gratification. By offering resources easily embedded as links, you melt away any potential friction between allowing them to take action on your advice immediately or browsing for hours to no avail.

Example scenario: The guest discussed their favorite productivity app? Great! Link to it. You mentioned an insightful article or specific book? Pop that in your notes. Did the conversation drift into legal advice territory? A link to a lawyer's past article prevents confusion.

Quick, seamless, neat.

5. Insert Compelling Calls to Action (CTAs) 📢

Let’s face it—if you don't ask, you don't get. Creating podcast show notes without a strong CTA is like showing up to a party without bringing a gift (total mood killer). Compelling CTAs, cleverly integrated into your show notes, can help drive listeners to the next step you want them to take.

perfect CTA does several things:

  • It gives listeners a chance to go further with what they’ve experienced. Examples include: "Subscribe today!""Listen to more episodes!", or "Leave us a 5-star rating!"

  • It's less about asking for something and more about guiding your listeners to a logical follow-up action that grows your brand.

  • They shouldn’t be pushy but instead, should feel like a natural “next step.” Consider: “Enjoyed this episode? Don’t forget to download our FREE productivity cheat sheet at the link below!”

Pro Tip: Don’t overwhelm readers with too many CTAs. Stick to between one to three asks within your show notes to avoid coming across as shouty or aggressive.

6. Sprinkle in Your Keywords (Without Sounding Robotic) 🤖

It’s podcasting line 101: we need those Google algorithms to love us. The key here is to sprinkle your pre-researched keywords in your show notes, but (and I practically beg you here), don’t make it sound artificial or robotically stuffed!

By weaving them naturally into your content, you’re helping your podcast rank without sacrificing readability. Start by:

  • Including your primary keyword (maybe something like “Entrepreneur Podcast,” or "Marketing Tips for Small Business,") within the show title and meta-description.

  • Spread related keywords across maybe two subheadings and about 4-5 times throughout the body of the show notes. 🙌 This doesn’t feel forced—it feels conversational!

Let's do a before-and-after quick comparison:

  • Bad: “On this entrepreneur podcast, today's entrepreneur guest with an entrepreneur mindset will tell you about entrepreneur trends.”

  • Good: “In today’s episode of ‘The Entrepreneur Hustle’, our guest dives into pivotal tips for entrepreneurs wanting to scale fast.”

It’s the perfect blend of conversation and SEO prowess, best of both worlds, right? 🥳

7. Add Timestamps to Major Show Segments ⏰

Here’s the secret sauce to **transforming your show notes into an absolute winner: Timestamps. Why? Easy navigation creates a delightful listening experience, providing instant benefits for both you and your audience.

Imagine this: An interested listener finds your podcast and wants to jump to specific discussions—like, say, the 3-minute portion where your guest talks about scaling a business using affiliate marketing. Instead of fast-forwarding aimlessly, timestamps guide your audience directly to that moment of magic.

  • Pro Tip: Make adding timestamps habit for every episode. Highlight key sections (introduction, guest Q&A, sponsor mention, summary insights) with specific times that help your audience visualize and digest your content.

  • Added benefit? Micro SEO wins! Those little cuts into your show, when time-stamped effectively, give Google more clarity on what's being discussed. That's right, timestamps help search engines "understand" your content better.

8. Tease Upcoming Episodes or Events 🔮

What’s the easiest way to turn a one-time listener into a loyal subscriberSimple—leave them thirsty for the next episode. 🚰

By teasing what’s coming up next—whether it’s an exciting guest, a can’t-miss topic, or a juicy revelation—you’ll coax your audience into hitting that "subscribe" button so they don't miss out. It’s simple psychology—teasing what's next creates anticipation, turning casual listeners into excited regulars.

Sample teaser: “Next week, we’ll be sitting down with a social media wizard who scaled his following to 1M in less than 6 months! Buckle up—you won't want to miss it."

Voilà—you’ve now hooked your audience for next week's episode! 🎣

9. End With a Thoughtful Recap & Next Steps 🔀

Alright, you’ve crafted some show-notes gold. Now, it’s time to close strong. Much like writing an essay, your show notes should end with a focused recap, touching on the big takeaways from the episode. Thoughtfully reinforce all the key points discussed in the episode—don’t worry about repeating yourself briefly. This little refresher gets your audience to keep the most important points top-of-mind.

Wrap it up neatly by leaving your audience with suggested next steps OR something to think about:

  • Keep it short and actionable (“Be sure to check out the extremely useful resources in today’s episode and sign up for our newsletter!”).

  • Or, hit them with a thought-provoking summary that leads directly into your call-to-action.

Let your summary do the hard work of wrapping everything up neatly in a way that feels logical, helpful, and engaging.

The Impact of Best Practices 🎯

When implemented effectively, these steps will transform your podcast show notes from run-of-the-mill into magnetic, actionable mini-pieces of valuable content that’ll help drive both growth M and engagement. Remember, effective show notes are all about balancing informationengagement, and next-level SEO smarts. 🎙️ 💪

Jump on these best practices to craft show notes your audience won’t be able to resist!


Written by:

Founder of WhisperTranscribe


Written by:

Founder of WhisperTranscribe


Written by:

Founder of WhisperTranscribe

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